Spay/Neuter Programs

street cats need to be spay/neutered

Did you know….

Cats can become pregnant at four months old and dogs as young as five or six months. A single cat or dog and just her female offspring, can produce over 4,000 kittens and puppies in seven years.

Oconee County’s Animal Shelter intake is much higher than national and regional averages. The reality is there simply aren’t enough homes for all the pets in need.


What can you do?


There are two Spay/Neuter programs that ANY Oconee County resident can take advantage of:

  • Thanks to tremendous support from local veterinarians, any pet owner can purchase a certificate for a low-cost fee for the spay/neuter procedure.The certificates are good for six months from the time of purchase and can be redeemed at one of five local veterinarian offices. There are no income requirements for this program. To learn more about the program and which local veterinarians participate, click on OHS Program.
  • The Spay / Neuter Assistance Coalition (SNAC) is an income-based spay/neuter program. Funded by Oconee County and administered by OHS, this program is designed to provide pet owners up to 200% over poverty an affordable option to have their pets spayed/neutered. Many local veterinarians have committed to participate in the SNAC program. To learn more about the program, and which local veterinarians participate, click on SNAC Program.
Spay or Neuter your pets to help save lives.

For more information about any of these programs, call the Oconee Humane Society at 864-882-4719 or email